It is the still life of the 21st century: a kid is glued to a screen. Tablets, mobiles, laptops, televisions, consoles, eBooks. Sometimes what worries us parents is that they spend too much time glued to that screen. Sometimes we fear that they will come across content that is not appropriate for their age. Sometimes we are concerned that they communicate inappropriately with their friends or strangers.

What we often do in reaction to these fears we call control, sometimes it seems like espionage and we often judge it as overprotective.


The best parental control helps in normalization of technology to include it in the rest of the education we give them. To instill habits, understand their world, establish values ​​and enjoy together the good that screens bring us if we know how to use them.


It is also important to know a little more about the technological alternatives that exist to help us get an idea of ​​what they do, in case we are interested in knowing. Not so much to prohibit or scold or control, but to know and use the information, to accompany the rest of the education we give them.

a kid with mom on laptop
'Parental Control' is the concept that encompasses all the tools that allow parents to monitor and / or limit the use that a kid makes of the devices, in terms of time, content or access. We can review your browsing history, use apps that turn our mobile into a mirror of yours to receive the same messages, download apps that turn off mobile phones or limit websites, configure tablets so that they do not connect at night, use accounts user so that they do not download what they want. Thinking that technological 'parental control' will solve all problems is a problem. And thinking that it is useless is also a problem. Let's review:


1. Parental control software in the computer's operating system

Both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS include parental control packages. Each user must have their profile created and it is a way to control Internet browsing and block access to inappropriate content. Get something, but it's not a miracle, so option B is worth having. In addition, by exercising control only over the computers that have the software installed, children can access the Internet with mobile devices.

2. Computer control software

They are the classic programs, protection packages against the «dangers of the Internet». Sometimes anti-malware or antivirus incorporate parental controls. And vice versa. You can block websites, set screen time limits, control online and social media activity, monitor chat conversations or receive a summary online life.

3. Web browsing filters

Browsers (that software that allows you to walk online) offer different ways to filter the websites that you do not want your children to reach. Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer let you select websites and domains that you want to block. With Firefox, for example, it’s Prefer: Safe application recognizes parental controls that are already active in your operating system.

There are many ways to do it and each browser has its own "modus operandi", although the usual thing is to go to Settings (or similar) and mark the types of websites you want to disable. What will you get? That every time the child -or you, depending on the user- want to reach a non-recommended website, the computer will show you a blank screen.  Also, most parents find this option uncomfortable because it limits our own navigation. Different prevention techniques are used: white lists (allowed) vs. black (denied), blocking by keywords (verification of website content and restriction of access to sites that have certain words - "porn", "sex", "drugs", "kill" -). Many options allow you to customize the severity criteria (how many times must a word appear to consider the site as unfit?) And even select the words by categories and adding words specifically indicated by the user.

4. Children's browsers and content streaming platforms

In short, tools that give access to pages suitable for children and adolescents. They have a design and characteristics appropriate to the smaller public and allow the use of different profiles, depending on the age of the user. There are also child search engines with similar characteristics.

And since video streaming is already a daily part of our lives, for the little ones there are also parental control functionalities on YouTube Kids and on Netflix, for example.

5. Router and DNS servers

About the router, we already talked (and a lot, I know) a long time ago. By exercising parental control from this digital door to our house, parents can filter the accessible contents of all connected devices and determine connection time limits. With certain router models we can limit the hours of Internet use for our children, for example, or filter the content they can see.

Brands like Linksys and Belkin usually have built-in parental controls.

Most of the parental control and security software available on the market allows filters to be incorporated into the router, but there are also systems through filtering by DNS servers (domain name system), which are an interesting solution because it can be applied to all of devices and operating systems of the house.

6. Devices

Some smartphones and tablets come standard with a basic parental control, so there are always options to avoid accessing certain purchases or games or to hide functionalities that you do not want the Kids to see.  Protect all devices with parental control to keep your kid safe.


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