Email is an essential tool for many users. It is a means of communication widely used by both individuals and companies. It offers a wide range of possibilities and we can also use it on multiple devices. The point is that it is also a type of platform where hackers introduce their threats. Especially in recent times, different methods of generating conflict have emerged. Today we talk about what Spear Phishing is and what we can do to avoid it.

What is spear phishing?
What is Spear Phishing?

As we know, a Phishing attack is that technique by which a cybercriminal seeks to steal users' passwords. Basically they pose as a company or service and in this way they seek to gain the trust of the victim. They may ask us to change the password, fill out a form, or send information of some kind.

These are usually generic emails. It can also come through SMS or even through social networks. It is a message that is often translated into several languages. We may even receive emails of this type from a supposed bank where we do not have an account.

However, Spear Phishing goes beyond that. This type of attack is based on the analysis of hackers. They investigate the victim, learn about their tastes, their daily operations, information they can gather, etc. In this way they manage to capture even more the victim's attention.

Why is it more dangerous than normal Phishing attacks? A simple phishing email is easier to miss. That is, let's say we receive a message like "dear customer", "we need you to confirm your password" Now let's say we receive another one sent directly to us. For example, calling us by our name and surname, informing us of an alleged irregularity on a platform where we have an account, etc. Data that, in short, are real. This makes it easier for the victim to believe that there really is a problem and that they must act.

How Spear Phishing works?

Hackers basically use four stages when carrying out Spear Phishing attacks. The first stage is to identify the target. In other words, from among all the options they can have, they select a series of users who really fit the campaign they are going to carry out. They try to make their emails go only to those possible victims who can really take the bait and fit what they are looking for.

The next point we can say is to analyze the objective. This step consists of collecting all kinds of information about how you act, your tastes, possible services or platforms you use, etc. In short, learn more about that person to create a more personal attack.

The third step is to capture all that information that they have previously collected. It is the "personalization" process. Make that attack more personal, including all the information and data they have been able to collect.

Finally, the fourth step is to prepare the attack and ultimately send the emails. This is how a Spear Phishing attack runs.

How can we avoid being a victim?

Luckily this type of attack will always require user interaction. That is, for many fraudulent emails of this type that we receive, if we do not execute something, if we do not take an action, we will not suffer any problems.

That is why common sense in this type of case seems fundamental. We are talking about always being alert to any email we receive, never accessing links sent to us by these means, not downloading attachments that may be suspicious, never responding to an email of this type, etc.

But also, beyond common sense, it is important to have our devices protected. We never know which file may reach us and download inadvertently, or if we access a page that contains malware. For this reason, it is also vital to have antivirus software.

In the same way, it is interesting to have our devices updated. A way to always keep the latest patches and correct possible vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers to deploy their attacks.


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