It is very common for a virus to attack our computer and normally, it is something that is usually solved without major problem. But, what if this virus means a loss of information about your customers and you don't know where that data is going? In that case, you will have suffered a security breach that, since the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), it is mandatory to notify both the interested parties and therefore the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). In this post we are getting to explain what exactly security breaches are and the way they ought to be managed.

Security Breach
What Is A Security Breach?

According to the AEPD itself, a security breach is "a security incident that affects personal data", regardless of whether it is the consequence of an accident or an intentional action and whether it affects digital data or data paper. In addition, these security breaches cause the "destruction, loss, alteration, communication or unauthorized access of personal data."

For their part, the Considered Parties of the RPGD also offer us a definition of a security breach, understood as "any violation that causes the destruction, loss or accidental or illegal alteration of personal data transmitted, preserved or otherwise processed, or communication or unauthorized access to said data”.

That is, for both the RGPD and the AEPD security breaches are a violation of security, voluntary or accidental, which entails the loss, destruction or manipulation of personal data stored on the attacked medium.

The ways during which these security breaches can occur are numerous, especially within the digital environment and range from an unauthorized modification of the database, the destruction of backup copies, to cyberattacks of different types whose objective is to access stored personal data.

Regulations That Regulate Security Breaches

We can find the regulations that regulate the management of computer security breaches collected in different laws and regulations, both national and European, which over the years and the evolution of technology and, especially, the advance of digitization, have been modified and adapted to current needs in terms of data protection .

We must understand that these regulations make companies responsible for the security of personal data that they handle and / or store and that not having adequate measures to prevent and avoid possible security breaches can lead to data protection complaints and administrative sanctions.

How To Prevent Security Breaches?

Although the types of cyberattacks are quite varied, there are a series of security measures that we can take to prevent security breaches from occurring in the company's computer systems.

Using strong passwords

People like to use easy-to-remember passwords. Without policies and technology to enforce proper password selection, organizations run the risk of having passwords such as "1234" as the only line of defense against unauthorized access to confidential information. Therefore, develop appropriate policies and implement technology to ensure that policies are properly enforced and that your employees use strong and complex passwords.

With double authentication

Double authentication or 2-step verification is not a 100% foolproof method, but it will make things more difficult for a hacker. Therefore, it is interesting to consider its implementation to access especially confidential information.

Making backup copies

The purpose of the backup is to create a data copy that can be recovered in the event of a hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event such as a malicious attack (virus or malware) or accidental deletion of data. Backups allow you to restore data from a previous point to help your business recover from an unplanned event.

Storing the copy of the info on a separate medium is important to guard against data loss or corruption. This additional medium can be as simple as an external drive or USB stick, or something more substantial, such as a disk storage system, a cloud storage container, or a tape drive.

Updating all systems

System updates are critical to business performance. A system upgrade generally involves adding new hardware or upgrading software to extend the functionality of a system. However, system upgrades even have many lesser-known benefits, like increased lifespan and better efficiency of IT equipment.

Here are five other reasons why you should bother updating your systems:

a)     Higher employee productivity.

b)    Business growth.

c)     Better IT support.

d)    Improved system security.

e)     Extended warranty.

Have an updated antivirus and to read about visit here.


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