Today, the world of the Internet is used by millions of people every day, to search the web, compile information, analyze but we also offer our personal data on many occasions without taking the really necessary precautions.

Sign to detect fake antivirus
It is necessary that to prevent external attacks, we have some type of defense in our device both at home and at work. With this type of defense we are referring to an antivirus and a firewall. It is true that there are many antivirals that we can download for free on our computer to feel protected. The problem comes when what we have actually downloaded is not an antivirus, but a “fake antivirus”.

Fake antivirus

Fake antivirus are programs that we install on our computer thinking that what they are going to do is protect us from external attacks, when in reality their main purpose is the opposite. They seek to infect our computer in order to obtain a profit.

The problem with these fake antivirus is that the alerts they show us are also false caused by a Trojan installed on our computer without our knowledge, either by opening an attachment, download torrents or a fake pop-up file between others. These alerts generally tell us that our computer has been infected.

Possible ways to get infected

Social media messages or notifications likely from already infected users

After visiting a certain website, an automatic assumption appears that tells us that our computer has been scanned and that it is infected by email in the form of Spam

Fake antivirus signals

The performance of your computer has started to decrease and this slows it down.

Advertising appears that has nothing to do with the websites you visit, generally advertising for adults.

After installation, pop-ups are constant on your screen

Mitigate threat

You should never click on pop-ups

If the browser displays a warning about one website, you should pay attention to it and go to another.

You should never download pirated software or programs from suspicious pages.

Don't open email attachments if we don't trust the sender.

To reduce the risk of installing a fake antivirus, below we are going to offer you a series of recommendations that you should follow, and thus significantly reduce this threat.

It is important that if we are going to select an antivirus, we are sure that the web is trustworthy and that we do it directly from the official page. In the event that we have a Windows computer, you will be able to review the best and most follow antivirus for this operating system. In the event that the operating system with which we work is OS X and therefore we have a Mac, despite the fact that in this case the threats are minor, it is important that we also have a reliable antivirus in these cases.

In both operating systems it is recommended that in addition to an antivirus, we have an antimalware, so that security is always as extensive as possible. As with antivirus, we have free programs for this on both Windows and Mac, but always certifying that they are safe and that their origin is legitimate.


It is important that we keep all this in mind, since more and more people are connecting to the internet every day and from different devices, so the more aware we are of the real threats that exist on the web, the better we can act against these cyber-attacks.

The cybercriminals take advantage of any opportunity to offer fake security programs, and thus profit. We have to be attentive when we browse, since after all our security and privacy in the world of the internet, depends on us and our precaution.

We recommend you keep up to date with the attacks and security measures in the Computer Security.


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